Here is some of my research I've done on my SIMPSON family.
My husband's grandparents:
Harry Elva SIMPSON
Harry Elva SIMPSON was born 31 AUG 1898, Oberlin, Kansas in a shoddy located in Liberty Township. He was the second child born to Frank and Diadamie (SMITH) SIMPSON.
Vergie Bell BARKER was born (?)
Harry SIMPSON and Vergie BARKER were married 21 OCT 1923 in Oberlin, Kansas.
My husband's great-grandparents:
Frank Lawrence SIMPSON
Diadamie Ermal SMITH
Frank Lawrence SIMPSON was born 11 JUL 1873 (or 1874?) at ?. He was the only surviving child of four born to Herbert Edwin SIMPSON and Sophrona SHAFFER.
Diadamie Ermal SMITH was born 14 OCT 1873 to Daniel H. SMITH and Isabel HUFFMAN. Her siblings are not known at this time. In 1886 at the age of 13, Diadamie came with her family from Indiana to Summit Township in Decatur County, Kansas. Her parents homesteaded there in Summit Township. Diadamie attended school the next year in 1887 at Summit Sod School.
Frank SIMPSON applied for a Timber-Culture Patent from the Federal Government.
Frank SIMPSON and Diadamie SMITH were married 08 JUL 1896 in Custer Township, Decatur County, Kansas. To them six children were born :
(1) Holden David SIMPSON, b. 05 FEB 1897, Oberlin, Kansas, m. Neva B., d. 1992, buried Oberlin, Kansas (Please write for more information);
(2) Harry Elva SIMPSON, b. 31 AUG 1898, Oberlin, Kansas in a shoddy located in Liberty Township, m. Vergie BARKER, d.? (My direct line. Please write for more information);
(3) Elgin Rea SIMPSON, b. 12 OCT 1900, Oberlin, Kansas, m. Lena M. BROWN, d. 28 DEC 1953 , buried in Oberlin, Kansas;
(4) Hazel M. SIMPSON, b. 15 OCT 1902, Oberlin, Kansas, m. BOLIN ?need more info?;
(5) Ralph Herbert SIMPSON, b. 23 APR 1906, Oberlin Kansas, m. Rose E., d. 21 FEB 1978 , buried Oberlin, Kansas (Please write for more information);
(6) Esther Ollie SIMPSON, b. 18 SEP 1918, Oberlin, Kansas, m. #1 Walt KUMP; #2 DUNLAP(Please write for more information)
Frank SIMPSON died 27 MAR 1930 from heart failure in the doorway of his grainery on his farm. His body was laid out in the farm house and buried at the Oberlin, Kansas Cemetery .
Diadamie passed away 29 MAR 1948. Funeral services were conducted by Reverend Howard SMOTHERS in the Methodist Church. She too is buried in the Oberlin, Decatur County, Kansas Cemetery .
My husband's 2-great-grandparents:
Herbert Edwin SIMPSON
Sophronia SHAFFER
Herbert Edwin SIMPSON was born 12 JUL 1848 in Wabash County, Indiana to Jessie Holden SIMPSON and Anna M. NEFF. He was one of four children.
Sophrona SHAFFER was born 26 OCT 1846 at Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio. She was one of three daughters born to David SHAFFER and Elizabeth? BAISINGER.
Herbert Edwin SIMPSON enlisted for one year of service at Danville, Illinois as a private on 15 FEB 1865 with Company A 154 Regiment of the Illinois Infantry. He was 16 years old and living in Tolono, Champaign County, Illinois when he enlisted. Two days later, on February 17, 1865 he was on the role at Camp Butler, Illinois. The role card lists him as having blue eyes, light hair and a fair complextion standing 5' 9" tall. The role card listed his residence as where enlisted as Tonono, Champaign, Dist. 7, sub dist. 55, Illinois. He served in the Civil War until 18 SEP 1865 when he was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tennessee.
His Declaration Pension lists him as being 5 feet 5 inches tall, having a fair complexion, blue eyes and light colored hair. His occupation was a farmer. He listed several places of residence after the war, including Tolona, Illinois, North Manchester, Indiana, Beloit, Kansas and Oberlin, Kansas. His pension was listed as $15.50 per month when he died in 1916.
It is interesting to note that an H. A. SIMPSON, b. ae 1856 testified in Decatur County, Kansas in May, 1917 that he was acquainted with Herbert E. SIMPSON in 1870, "until his death in 1916." Could he be a relative that traveled with them from Indiana back in 1879? This may be a lead to siblings or cousins.
Sophronia's father, David SHAFFER, acted as guardian to the orphaned children of Ruben BAISINGER who was killed in the Civil War.
One of Ruben BAISINGER's children, George W. BAISINGER, signed as affidavit in June, 1917 stating that, "he was acquainted with Herbert E. SIMPSON during his life time and was acquainted with Sophronia SHAFFER, in Wabash County, Indiana..." This affidavit was to prove that Sophronia was the one and only widow of Herbert SIMPSON so she could receive Civil War Veteran's benefits.
Herbert and Sophrona were married 18 DEC 1870 near North Manchester, Wabash Co. Indiana by Rev. David HIDY (HYDA). To this union four children were born, three dying in infancy.
(1) E.H. SIMPSON (Twin), b. SEP 1871, d. MAY 1872;
(2) H.E. SIMPSON (Twin), b. SEP 1871, d. JUL 1872;
(3) Frank L. SIMPSON, b. 11 JUL 1873 , m. Diadamie Ermal SMITH, d. 27 MAR 1930;
(4) Infant daughter, b. MAR 1876, died at birth.
Herbert and Sophrona SIMPSON then came with their family to Oberlin, Kansas from Indiana by covered wagon pulled by oxen in 1879(?check out date) where they homesteaded four and a half miles southwest of Oberlin. Herbert filed a homestead claim, H.D. No. 12.693 for the W1/2 of the SE1/4 and the SW1/4 or the NE1/4 and the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 8, Township 3 South, Range 29 West.
He was a member of I.O.O.F. (Odd Fellows) and CAR Post 198. He built houses, and three of the houses he built still stand today in Oberlin, Kansas.
Herbert SIMPSON passed away 13 NOV 1916 in Decatur County, Oberlin, Kansas from a heart attack. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church by Rev. A. W. HENRY of Norcatur, Kansas. Herbert is buried in the Oberlin, Kansas Cemetery.
Sophrona SHAFFER SIMPSON died 31 AUG 1917 and is also buried in the Oberlin, Kansas Cemetery.
My husband's 3-great-grandparents:
Jesse Holden SIMPSON
Anna M. Neff
Jesse Holden SIMPSON was born on ?. He is known to have lived in Indiana and Oberlin, Kansas. The names of his parents are unknown.
Anna M. NEFF was born ?. The names of her parents and siblings are unknown.
Jesse SIMPSON and Anna NEFF were married ?. To them four children were born:
(1) Herbert Edwin SIMPSON, (My direct line. See above. Please write for more information)
(2) Lizza SIMPSON,
(3) Franklin SIMPSON, (female)
(4) William SIMPSON,
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